First-principles study of charge transport in interfaces based on carbon nanomaterials for device applications소자 응용을 위한 탄소나노재료 기반 계면 전하수송 특성의 제1원리 연구

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Recently, carbon nanomaterials have been expected to take a key role in future-generation elec-tronic devices, both as electrode and channel materials. However, understanding their electronic properties and transport characteristics at the inhomogeneous interfaces, which are major factor in determining device characteristics, are still lacking. By adopting the combination of density functional theory (DFT) and matrix Green’s function (MGF) calculations, this thesis paper presents theoretical studies on the interface charge transport properties of carbon nanomaterials-based junctions and novel ways to enhance device characteris-tics. In this context, this thesis paper covers two different problems involving carbon nanomaterials-based junction systems. First, we proposed a novel nanoelectromechanical switch (NEMS switch) mechanism of C60 chains based on their reversible oligomerization to achieve ultra-high on/off switching ratio. By controlling the interface parameters, we devised a new way to exploit change in electronic structure during the oligomeri-zation for device operations. Second, we reported a novel architecture of transverse tunneling DNA sequenc-ing device based on N-doped capped CNT which enables us with fast and reliable whole-genome sequencing. Using two different nanogap distances involving chemically functionalized carbon nanoelectrode and apply-ing statistical approach, we achieved dual-sensing mechanism of DNA exploiting both chemical and energetic sensitivity that has never been reported elsewhere. What has been observed throughout this paper would pro-vide the insight on controlling contact charge injection within carbon nanomaterial-based systems in general. Moreover, since the electric structures and the nature of chemical bonds of carbon nanostructures are similar to each other, the novel principles and architectures reported in this paper are applicable to other types of carbon nanomaterials such as graphene.
Kim, Yong-Hoonresearcher김용훈
한국과학기술원 : EEWS대학원,
Issue Date
514766/325007  / 020113706

학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : EEWS대학원, 2013.2, [ vii, 57 p. ]


carbon nanotube; Matrix green’s function (MGF); Density functional theory (DFT); fullerene; nano electronic device; 밀도범함수이론; 행렬그린함수이론; 탄소나노튜브; 풀러렌; 나노전자소자; 전자 수송; electron transport

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