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Showing results 101 to 120 of 4970

Bringing culture into the picture: cross-cultural differences in online customer reviews

Kim, Jong Min; Lee, Eunkyung; Yoon, Yeosun, INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW, v.40, no.3, pp.528 - 546, 2023-08

Multidimensional Targeting and Consumer Response

DESPOTAKIS, Stylianos; YU, Jungju, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, v.69, no.8, pp.4518 - 4540, 2023-08

Large volatility matrix analysis using global and national factor models

Choi, Sung Hoon; Kim, Donggyu, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, v.235, no.2, pp.1917 - 1933, 2023-08

모바일 채널 수용이 고객의 동영상 소비에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증 연구

최상아; 이민형; 최한별; 이희석, 경영정보학연구, v.25, no.3, pp.121 - 138, 2023-08

Signal Exaggeration in Bayesian Persuasion

Lee, JaeYun; In, Younghwan, 34th Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook Center for Game Theory, 2023-07-25

Human capital quality and stock returns

Bae, Jaewan; Kang, Jangkoo, JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, v.152, 2023-07

Ask for Reviews at The Right Time: Evidence from Two Field Experiments

Jung, Miyeon; Ryu, Sunghan; Han, Sang Pil; Cho, Daegon, JOURNAL OF MARKETING, v.87, no.4, pp.528 - 549, 2023-07

V-Shaped Disposition Effect, Stock Prices, and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift: Evidence from Korea

Kim, Minki; Kim, Toyoung; Kim, Tong-Suk, JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE, v.24, no.3, pp.345 - 364, 2023-07

Brand royalty flows within large business groups: The effect of holding company structure and related party transactions committees

Cho, Seunghyun; Pae, Jinhan; Yoo, Choong-Yuel, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, v.50, no.7-8, pp.1128 - 1165, 2023-07

Customer concentration and firm risk: The role of outside directors from a major customer

Kim, Taeyeon; Kim, Hyun-Dong; Park, Kwangwoo, JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, v.152, 2023-07

A Role of β2‑Adrenoreceptor Agonists Related to the Development of Parkinson’s Disease

Jung, Dain; Kwak, Do Won; Kim, Minki; Lee, Woong-Woo, NEUROLOGY INDIA, v.71, no.4, pp.710 - 715, 2023-07

N-pad : Neighboring Pixel-based Industrial Anomaly Detection

Jang, Junkyu; Hwang, Eugene; Park, Sung-Hyuk, 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 2023, pp.4365 - 4374, IEEE Computer Society, 2023-06-22

Religion and Derivative Use: Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry

Lee, Junyong; Lee, Kyounghun; Oh, Frederick Dongchuhl, JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION, v.62, no.2, pp.451 - 475, 2023-06

Interdependence between online peer-to-peer lending and cryptocurrency markets and its effects on financial inclusion

Chung, Sunghun; Kim, Keongtae; Lee, Chul Ho; Oh, Wonseok, PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, v.32, no.6, pp.1939 - 1957, 2023-06

Does R&D cooperation with competitors cause firms to invest in R&D more intensively? evidence from Korean manufacturing firms

Park, BeomJu; Lee, Chang-Yang, JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, v.48, no.3, pp.1045 - 1076, 2023-06

Systems design thinking for social innovation: a learning perspective

Kim, Bowon, BUSINESS AND SOCIETY REVIEW, v.128, no.2, pp.217 - 250, 2023-06

Internal Capital Markets and R&D Investment: Evidence from Korean Chaebols

Hong, Seiwoong; Oh, Frederick Dongchuhl; Shin, Donglim, EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE, v.59, no.8, pp.2493 - 2506, 2023-06

Does performance-chasing behavior matter? International evidence

Lee, Jennifer Eunkyeong; Cho, Hoon; Ryu, Doojin; Seok, Sangik, JOURNAL OF MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, v.68, 2023-06

ESG 활동이 한국기업의 재무성과에 미치는 영향: B2C 및 B2B 기업유형에 따른 조절효과

안소현; 안재현; 한인구, 경영과학, v.40, no.2, pp.59 - 75, 2023-06

Free to Premium in Mobile TV Service: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational Factors Affecting Free Users’ Paid Subscription Intention

Song, Jaemin; Ryu, Sunghan; Kim, Young-Gul, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, v.33, no.2, pp.318 - 341, 2023-06

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