강소성 유한요소법을 이용한 냉간단조 금형 및 가공 공정 해석The Simulation of Dies and Forming Processes for Clod Forging by Using Rigid-Plastic Finite Element Analysis

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A finite element code has been developed by which the axisymmetric and plan strain cold forging processes with arbitrarily curved die geometric can be analyzed. The generation of initial velocity field is included in the present finite element program. In order to impose velocity boundary conditions on the arbitrarily curved die surface, an effective method is suggested by using the skew boundary condition. The work hardening effect, rigid body treatment and the frictional boundary condition on the curved die surface are introduced in the formulation and intermediate remeshing stages are employed in the finite element method program. Some computational examples are chosen which are industrially useful forging processes such as forging of a gear blank and a blade. The prediction of elastic deformation and stress concentration of dies are very important in cold forging processes. The elastic deformation of dies in plane strain blade forging are computed in connection with the deformation of the workpieces. It is shown that the developed program is applicable to the analysis of practical planestrain or axisymmetric forging processes.
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대한기계학회논문집 A, v.13, no.6, pp.1070 - 1081

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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