LLF schedulability analysis on multiprocessor platforms

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LLF (Least Laxity First) scheduling, which assigns a higher priority to a task with smaller laxity, has been known as an optimal preemptive scheduling algorithm on a single processor platform. However, its characteristics upon multiprocessor platforms have been little studied until now. Orthogonally, it has remained open how to efficiently schedule general task systems, including constrained deadline task systems, upon multiprocessors. Recent studies have introduced zero laxity (ZL) policy, which assigns a higher priority to a task with zero laxity, as a promising scheduling approach for such systems (e.g., EDZL). Towards understanding the importance of laxity in multiprocessor scheduling, this paper investigates the characteristics of ZL policy and presents the first ZL schedulability test for any work-conserving scheduling algorithm that employs this policy. It then investigates the characteristics of LLF scheduling, which also employs the ZL policy, and derives the first LLF-specific schedulability test on multiprocessors. It is shown that the proposed LLF test dominates the ZL test as well as the state-of-art EDZL test.
Issue Date

31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, RTSS 2010, pp.25 - 36

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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