Approximating age-based arbitration in on-chip networks

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The on-chip network of emerging many-core CMPs enables the sharing of numerous on-chip components. This on-chip network needs to ensure fairness when accessing the shared resources. In this work, we propose providing equality of service (EoS) in future many-core CMPs on-chip networks by leveraging distance, or hop count, to approximate the age of packets in the network. We propose probabilistic arbitration combined with distance-based weights to achieve EoS and overcome the limitation of conventional round-robin arbiter. We describe how nonlinear weights need to be used with probabilistic arbiters and propose three different arbitration weight metrics - fixed weight, constantly increasing weight, and variably increasing weight. By only modifying the arbitration of an on-chip router, we do not require any additional buffers or virtual channels and create a complexity-effective mechanism for achieving EoS.
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19th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT 2010, pp.575 - 576

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EE-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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