SU-8 레진을 이용한 이광자 흡수 광조형 공정에서고강성 3차원 마이크로 형상 제작을 위한공정 변수 분석Study on Process Parameters of a SU-8 Resin in Two-photon Streolithigraphy for the Fabrication of Robust Three-dimensional Microstructures
Two-photon stereolithography (TPS) is recognized as a useful process for the fabrication of three-dimensional microstructures. Recently, the need for a two-photon curable resin with high strength increases as 3-D microstructures of high aspect ratio or large scale of several hundreds micrometers are required for applications of nano/micro devices in IT/BT. In this work, process parameters of TPS employing the SU-8 which is a representative two-photon curable resin with high strength have been studied for the precise fabrication of 3-D microstructures with high strength. The pre-baking and post-baking processes are studied and the parameter study of the SU-8 in TPS is conducted. Through this work, very small roughness of 12 nm and the minimum aspect ratio of ~1 which provides a precise accumulation of layers could be obtained. Using the conditions studied in this work, some 3-D examples are fabricated.