고속궤도차량의 예견제어에 관한 연구On the preview control of high mobility tracked vehicle suspension

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In this study, we examined the feasibility of the preview control to improve the performance of the tracked vehicle system. We proposed a method to apply a robust H preview control to the tracked vehicle system. To avoid the complexity of modeling the track subsystem and kinematical nonlinearity in the trailing arm suspension system, we classified these 문 unknown dynamics and disturbances. To derive the robust H preview control theory, we modified a robust H control theory for linear discrete-time systems with norm bounded nonlinear uncertainties by augmenting previewed road profile signal. We have verified by computer simulation that the proposed method shows good robustness to modeling uncertainty including the case when the unsprung mass is assumed to be twice heavier than the model parameters. Secondly we used Time Delay Control(TDC) method to make sprung mass dynamics follow that of linear preview controlled tracked vehicle model. We have verified by computer simulation that the proposed method shows good robustness to nonlinearity and uncertainties
Issue Date

한국자동차학회 2002년 추계 학술대회 , v.2, pp.460 - 460

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ME-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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