Showing results 8121 to 8140 of 12487
Robust path design of biomechanical systems using the concept of allowable load set Chang, JH; Kim, JH; Kwak, Byung Man, COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - ICCS 2004, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, v.3039, pp.1088 - 1094, 2004-06 |
Robust saturation controller for linear time-invariant system with structured real parameter uncertainties Lim, CW; Park, Youngjin; Moon, SJ, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, v.294, no.1-2, pp.1 - 14, 2006-06 |
Robust Separation of Topological In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Waves in a Phononic Crystal Lee, Myung-Joon; Oh, Il-Kwon, COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, v.5, no.1, 2022-01 |
Robust spatiotemporal stereo against image motion and temporal disparity variation Shin, Y.; Yoon, Kuk-Jin, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, v.52, no.7, pp.515 - 517, 2016-04 |
Robust stabilization of uncertain input-delay systems by sliding mode control with delay compensation Roh, YH; Oh, Jun-Ho, AUTOMATICA, v.35, no.11, pp.1861 - 1865, 1999-11 |
Robust Task Allocation Algorithm for Multi-Vehicle Operation Considering Node Position Uncertainty Yoon, Sukmin; Kim, Jinwhan, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, v.24, no.10, pp.962 - 968, 2018-10 |
Robust Task Allocation for Multiple Cooperative Robotic Vehicles Considering Node Position Uncertainty Yoon, Sukmin; Do, Haggi; Kim, Jinwhan, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, v.106, no.1, 2022-09 |
Robust throttle control of automotive engines: Theory and experiment Choi, SB; Hedrick, JK, JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, v.118, no.1, pp.92 - 98, 1996-03 |
Robust tracking control of a direct drive robot Kang, BS; Kim, Soohyun; Kwak, Yoon Keun; Smith, CC, JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, v.121, no.2, pp.261 - 269, 1999-06 |
Robust tracking of robot manipulator with nonlinear friction using time delay control with gradient estimator Han D.K.; Chang P.-H., JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v.24, no.8, pp.1743 - 1752, 2010 |
Robust Tracking Under Nonlinear Friction Using Time-Delay Control With Internal Model Cho, Gun Rae; Chang, Pyung-Hun; Park, Sang Hyun; Jin, Maolin, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, v.17, no.6, pp.1406 - 1414, 2009-11 |
Robust Tube-MPC Based Steering and Braking Control for Path Tracking at High-Speed Driving Lee, Jonghyup; Hwang, Yoonjin; Choi, Seibum B, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, v.72, no.12, pp.15301 - 15316, 2023-12 |
Robust Underwater Localization Using Acoustic Image Alignment for Autonomous Intervention Systems Park, Jisung; Kim, Jinwhan, IEEE ACCESS, v.10, pp.58447 - 58457, 2022 |
Robust Zero Placement for Motion Control of Lightly Damped Systems Ha, Chang-Wan; Rew, Keun-Ho; Kim, Kyung-Soo, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, v.60, no.9, pp.3857 - 3864, 2013-09 |
Robust, low-noise, polarization-maintaining mode-locked Er-fiber laser with a planar lightwave circuit (PLC) device as a multi-functional element Kim, Chur; Kwon, Dohyeon; Kim, Dohyun; Choi, Sun Young; Cha, Sang Jun; Choi, Ki Sun; Yeom, Dong-Il; et al, OPTICS LETTERS, v.42, no.8, pp.1472 - 1475, 2017-04 |
ROCK suppression promotes differentiation and expansion of endothelial cells from embryonic stem cell-derived Flk1(+) mesodermal precursor cells Joo, Hyung-Joon; Choi, Dong-Kyu; Lim, Joon-Seo; Park, Jin-Sung; Lee, Seung-Hun; Song, Suk-Hyun; Shin, Jennifer Hyunjong; et al, BLOOD, v.120, no.13, pp.2733 - 2744, 2012-09 |
Roebuck 냉동기를 응용한 회전형 헬륨 재응축 장치 정상권; 이창규, 설비공학 논문집, v.11, no.4, pp.464 - 471, 1999 |
Role of acoustic phonon transport in near- to asperity-contact heat transfer Jarzembski, Amun; Tokunaga, Takuro; Crossley, Jacob; Yun, Jeonghoon; Shaskey, Cedric; Murdick, Ryan A; Park, Inkyu; et al, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.106, no.20, 2022-11 |
Role of atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) in wound healing: APP-induced antifibrotic process in human dermal fibroblasts Gweon, Bomi; Kim, Mina; Kim, Kijung; Choung, Jinseung; Lee, Mi Nam; Ko, Ung Hyun; Hyun, Jin Won; et al, EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY, v.25, no.2, pp.159 - 161, 2016-02 |
Role of Crack Deflection on Rate Dependent Mechanical Transfer of Multilayer Graphene and Its Application to Transparent Electrodes Kang, Sumin; Yoon, Taeshik; Kim, Seunghwan; Kim, Taek-Soo, ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v.2, no.4, pp.1980 - 1985, 2019-04 |