Showing results 2546 to 2565 of 12416
Damage detection of CFRP laminates using electrical resistance measurement and neural network Seo, DC; Lee, Jungju, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.47, no.1-4, pp.525 - 530, 1999-12 |
Damage detection of composite materials via IR thermography and electrical resistance measurement: A review Park, Kundo; Lee, Junhyeong; Ryu, Seunghwa, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS, v.80, no.5, pp.563 - 583, 2021-12 |
Damage detection using spatially incomplete frequency response functions Park, NG; Park, Youn-sik, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, v.17, no.3, pp.519 - 532, 2003-05 |
Damage tolerance of composite toecap Lee, SM; Lim, TS; Lee, Dai Gil, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.67, no.2, pp.167 - 174, 2005-02 |
Damage-free cutting of chemically strengthened glass by creation of sub-surface cracks using femtosecond laser pulses Park, Sanguk; Kim, Yunseok; You, Joonho; Kim, Seung-Woo, CIRP ANNALS-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, v.66, no.1, pp.535 - 538, 2017 |
Damage-free low temperature pulsed laser printing of gold nanoinks on polymers Chung, J; Ko, Seung Hwan; Grigoropoulos, CP; Bieri, NR; Dockendorf, C; Poulikakos, D, JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, v.127, no.7, pp.724 - 732, 2005-07 |
Damping characteristics of composite hybrid spindle covers for high speed machine tools Suh, JD; Chang, SH; Lee, Dai Gil; Choi, JK; Park, BS, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, v.113, no.1-3, pp.178 - 183, 2001-06 |
Damping Characteristics of Cylindrical Laminates with Viscoelastic Layer Considering Temperature- and Frequency-Dependence Oh, Il-Kwon, JOURNAL OF THERMAL STRESSES, v.32, no.1-2, pp.1 - 20, 2009 |
Damping enhancement of rubber dampers for high speed compact disk players Chang, SH; Choi, JK; Lee, Dai Gil; Kim, HS, POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, v.39, no.9, pp.1642 - 1650, 1999-09 |
Damping improvement of machine tool columns with polymer matrix fiber composite material Lee, Dai Gil; Chang, SH; Kim, HS, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.43, no.2, pp.155 - 163, 1998-10 |
Data Augmentation based on Deep Learning for Object Detection of Infrared Cameras in Extreme Environments Cho, Jinwoo; Park, Ji Il; Jeon, Hyunyong; Park, Jihyuk; Kim, Kyung-Soo, Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.39, no.6, pp.387 - 394, 2022-06 |
Data Base of WSGGM-based Spectral Model for Radiation Properties of Combustion Products O.J. Kim; Song, Tae-Ho, JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, v.64, no.4, pp.379 - 394, 2000 |
Data enhancement for sharing of ship design models Shin, YJ; Han, Soonhung, COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, v.30, no.12, pp.931 - 941, 1998-10 |
Data-driven design of NASICON-type electrodes using graph-based neural networks HONG, DANIEL SEUNGBUM; Shim, Yoon Su; 허준표; Jeong, Incheol; Jenn, Hyoungjeen; Myung, Seung-Taek; Lee, Kang Taek; et al, Batteries & Supercaps, 2024-04 |
Data-Driven Modeling for Gait Phase Recognition in a Wearable Exoskeleton Using Estimated Forces Park, Kyeong-Won; Choi, Jungsu; Kong, Kyoungchul, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS, v.39, no.4, pp.3072 - 3086, 2023-08 |
DC 모터와 MR 브레이크로 이루어진하이브리드 구동기의 힘 제어 안진웅; 최익; 권동수, 전력전자학회 논문지, v.11, no.1, pp.46 - 55, 2006-02 |
DDA를 이용한 하드웨어 보간기의 계산 효율향상에 관한연구 오준호; 최기봉, 대한기계학회논문집 A, v.12, no.5, pp.968 - 975, 1988-09 |
DDC방식에 의한 공작기계 절삭 특성 규명 변승완; 이종원, 대한기계학회논문집 A, v.5, no.4, pp.303 - 311, 1981 |
Deadlock-free scheduling of photolithography equipment in semiconductor fabrication Yoon, HJ; Lee, Doo Yong, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, v.17, no.1, pp.42 - 54, 2004-02 |
Deceiving Image-to-Image Translation Networks for Autonomous Driving with Adversarial Perturbations Wang, Lin; Cho, Wonjune; Yoon, Kuk-Jin, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, v.5, no.2, pp.1421 - 1428, 2020-04 |