상온 능동형 자기 재생 냉동기의 개발Development of the active magnetic regenerative refrigerator for room temperature application

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In this paper, an investigation of a room temperature active magnetic regenerative refrigerator is carried out. Experimental apparatus includes two active magnetic regenerators containing 186 g of Gd spheres. Four E-type thermocouples are installed inside the Active magnetic regenerator(AMR) to observe the instantaneous temperature variation of AMR. Both warm and cold heat exchangers are designed for large temperature span. The cold heat exchanger, which separates the two AMRs, employs a copper tube with length of 80 mm and diameter of 6.35 mm. In order to minimize dead volume between the warm heat exchanger and AMRs, the warm heat exchangers are located close to the AMRs. The deionized water is used as a heat transfer fluid, and maximum 1.4 T magnetic field is supplied by Halbach array of permanent magnets. The AMR plate, which contains the warm and the cold heat exchangers and the AMRs, has reciprocating motion using a linear actuator and each AMR is alternatively magnetized and demagnetized by a Halbach array of permanent magnet. Since the gap of the Halbach array of permanent magnets is 25 mm and two warm heat exchangers have the motion through it, a compact printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) is used as a warm heat exchanger. A maximum no-load temperature span of 26.8 K and a maximum cooling power of 33 W are obtained from the fabricated Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigerator (AMRR).
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한국초전도.저온공학회논문지, v.14, no.3, pp.60 - 64

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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