Measurement of material properties of composites under high temperature using fiber Bragg grating sensors

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dc.contributor.authorKang, D. H.-
dc.contributor.authorPark, S. W.-
dc.contributor.authorKim, S. H.-
dc.contributor.authorKim, C. G.-
dc.contributor.authorHong, C. S.-
dc.identifier.citationJournal of The Korean Society for Composite Materialsen
dc.description.abstractComposites are widely used for aircraft, satellite and other structures due to its good mechanical and thermal characteristics such as low coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE), heat-resistance, high specific stiffness and specific strength. In order to use composites under condition of high temperature, however, material properties of composites at high temperatures must be measured and verified. In this paper, material properties of T700/Epoxy were measured through tension tests of composite specimens with an embedded FBG sensor in the thermal chamber at the temperatures of RT, , , , . Through the pre-test of an embedded optical fiber, we confirmed the embedding effects of an optical fiber on material properties of the composites. Two kinds of specimens of which stacking sequences are [0/{0}/0]. and [/{0}/]. were fabricated. From the experimental results, material property changes of composites were successfully shown according to temperatures and we confirmed that fiber Bragg grating sensor is very appropriate to strain measurement of composites under high temperature.en
dc.publisherThe Korean Society for Composite Materialsen
dc.subjectHigh Temperatureen
dc.subjectFiber Bragg Gratingen
dc.subjectMaterial Propertiesen
dc.titleMeasurement of material properties of composites under high temperature using fiber Bragg grating sensorsen


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