Browse by Subject TOKAMAK PLASMAS

Showing results 2 to 4 of 4

Design and fabrication of a multi-purpose soft x-ray array diagnostic system for KSTAR

Lee, Seung-Hun; Chai, Kil-Byoung; Jang, Si-Won; Ko, Won-Ha; Kim, Jung-Hee; Seo, Dong-Cheol; Lee, Jong-Ha; et al, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, v.83, no.10, 2012-10

Neoclassical parallel flow calculation in the presence of external parallel momentum sources in Heliotron J

Nishioka, K; Nakamura, Y; Nishimura, S; Lee, HY; Kobayashi, S; Mizuuchi, T; Nagasaki, K; et al, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, v.23, no.3, 2016-03

The national spherical torus experiment (NSTX) research programme and progress towards high beta, long pulse operating scenarios

Synakowski, EJ; Bell, MG; Bell, RE; Bigelow, T; Bitter, M; Blanchard, W; Boedo, J; et al, NUCLEAR FUSION, v.43, no.12, pp.1653 - 1664, 2003-12

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