Browse by Subject AUDITORY-CORTEX

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4

Cornering the Fear Engram: Long-Term Synaptic Changes in the Lateral Nucleus of the Amygdala after Fear Conditioning

Kwon, Jeong-Tae; Choi, June-Seek, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, v.29, no.31, pp.9700 - 9703, 2009-08

Deep CNNs Along the Time Axis With Intermap Pooling for Robustness to Spectral Variations

Hwaran, Lee; Kim, Geonmin; Kim, Ho-Gyeong; Oh, Sang-Hoon; Lee, Soo-Young, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, v.23, no.10, pp.1310 - 1314, 2016-10

The meaning of spikes from the neuron's point of view: predictive homeostasis generates the appearance of randomness

Fiorillo, Christopher D.; Kim, Jaekyung; Hong, Su Z., FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE, v.8, no.49, 2014-04

Theory of optimal balance predicts and explains the amplitude and decay time of synaptic inhibition

Kim, Jaekyung; Fiorillo, Christopher D., NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.8, 2017-03

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