Browse by Subject Accident model

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3

A new approach to analyzing human-related accidents by combined use of HFACS and activity theory-based method

Yoon, Young Sik; Ham, Dong-Han; Yoon, Wan Chul, Cognition, Technology & Work, v.19, no.4, pp.759 - 783, 2017-11

Application of activity theory to analysis of human-related accidents: Method and case studies

Yoon, Young Sik; Ham, Dong-Han; Yoon, Wan-Chul, RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, v.150, pp.22 - 34, 2016-06

Development and evaluation of a computer-aided system for analyzing human error in railway operations

Kim, Dong San; Baek, Dong Hyun; Yoon, Wan Chul, RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, v.95, no.2, pp.87 - 98, 2010-02

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