Browse by Subject GTPASES

Showing results 2 to 4 of 4

Network-based identification of feedback modules that control RhoA activity and cell migration

Kim, Tae-Hwan; Monsefi, Naser; Song, Je-Hoon; von Kriegsheim, Alex; Vandamme, D; Pertz, Olivier; Kholodenko, Boris N.; et al, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY, v.7, no.3, pp.242 - 252, 2015-06

PI(3,4,5)P-3 and PI(4,5)P-2 lipids target proteins with polybasic clusters to the plasma membrane

Heo, Won Do; Takanari Inoue; Wei Sun Park; Man Lyang Kim; Byung Ouk Park; Thomas J. Wandless; Tobias Meyer, SCIENCE, v.314, pp.1458 - 1461, 2006-12

The Intermolecular Interaction of Ephexin4 Leads to Autoinhibition by Impeding Binding of RhoG

Kim, Kwanhyeong; Lee, Juyeon; Moon, Hyunji; Lee, Sang-Ah; Kim, Deokhwan; Yang, Susumin; Lee, Dae-Hee; et al, CELLS, v.7, no.11, 2018-11

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