Photoproduction of ${99}^mTc$ with Laser-Compton Scattering Gamma-ray레이저-콤프튼-산란 감마선을 이용한 의료용 동위원소 ${99}^mTc$ 광생성 연구

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This paper is concerned with new methods for producing the medical isotope $^{99}mTc$ using laser-Compton-scattering (LCS) photons. First, we investigate the processes and basic principles of $^{99}mTc$ photoproduction based on the giant dipole resonance (GDR) (γ, n) and nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) (γ, γ`) reactions. The GDR reaction produces $^{99}mTc$ by way of a (γ, n) reaction with the $^{100}Mo$ target. The GDR cross sections for relevant Mo isotopes are reported and discussed. In the case of the NRF reaction, $^{99}mTc$ is generated directly from the excitation of ground state $^{99}Tc$ and subsequent decay from unstable energy states to the isomeric state of $^{99}mTc$. The NRF cross-section of 99Tc was evaluated using the PHITS code and the probability of the decay to $^{99}mTc$ from various energy levels was determined using the ENSDF data. The paper then reviews and summarizes the principles of generating LCS gamma rays used in $^{99}mTc$ photoproduction along with the related reaction characteristics. After this review, the LCS gamma ray production is optimized for $^{99}mTc$ production using the so-called Energy Recovery LINAC (ERL) system as the baseline facility for the generation of LCS gamma rays. The spectrum of the LCS gamma-ray was optimized for the GDR cross-section and the NRF cross-section. In the case of the GDR reaction, the maximum energy of the LCS gamma-ray was optimized to about 16.5 MeV. In the case of NRF reaction, the maximum energy of the gamma ray was adjusted to the range of 1 to 2 MeV. This energy range includes the excited states contributing to the generation of $^{99}mTc$. In this paper, we also confirm the practicability of the NRF concept by evaluating the amount of ground state $^{99}Tc$ discarded from existing Tc generators. Through this study, it is confirmed that LCS gammas can be used effectively to produce $^{99}mTc$ by way of the photoproduction through the GDR reaction with $^{100}Mo$ and the NRF reaction with the $^{99}Tc$ present in radioactive waste from existing Tc generators.
Kim, Yongheeresearcher김용희researcher
한국과학기술원 :원자력및양자공학과,
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학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 원자력및양자공학과, 2017.2,[iii, 36 p. :]


99mTc; 99Mo; 광생성; 레이저-콤프튼-산란; 핵공명형광(NRF); 거대이중극자공명(GDR); photoproduction; Laser-Compton-scattering; Giant dipole resonance (GDR); Nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF)

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